Saturday, May 2, 2009

Losing my bloginity. Virlogity. Blivirty? Fuck this, it's a cherry of some sort.

Oh lovely day, I get to start this thing now. So... what do I type? I figure most blog-things are just for your average sad work-slave to complain about how their girlfriend/boyfriend dumped them for a carbon copy of your average scene-kid. They all aim to be androgynous anyway. Weird fuckers. Anyhow, aside from the font switching back and forth it's easy so far... Granted, I don't know what the fuck I'm supposed to say though. See? The font is trying to piss me off. It's working. Whatever. I guess I'll talk about SOMETHING.
I was going to ask a friend to tell me wtf I'm supposed to do here, but he's worthless and afk. SO! ... Yeah... I guess I'll do this later. Shit sucks.