Monday, June 22, 2009


I haven't posted in forever! Well, not much is new, sometimes the flies bother me though. I try sleeping and all they do is yell and glow blue and orange. More like a combination of the two though. Blaringe. It's my word. You can't have it. Miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. It also reminds me of oatmeal, which is what I wanted to eat when I first thought of it, but as always I want tacos. Mmmmmmmmmm. Caesar salad. I am/is/were/then/some drinking a DIET DR. PEPPER, WITH NO CAFFEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINE! It was exciting until I got tired. Now I want to make coffee... But the ground is littered. POSITIVELY LITTERED! With cracks. And since my family all seem to have back problems I just can't take the risk. :(
In other news, I do have unheated bathrobes in my closet. Which is exciting. Somehow.
Either way, the headache won't stop until I keep talking.
Tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap tap
Usually I still have naught to do, and Fran is away for 3 weeks in Italy. I wanted him to bring me back the mustache of an old pasta maker... but I think it needs it to ward off the demons moreso than me. After all, I am the ocean.
Lately, I've taken to putting all bottles in my home upside down to ensure a longer lifespan to any non-insects who intrude upon my castle. I could go for some burgers right now though. I never understood why McDonald's has a logo that makes people think of fries and molten lava though.
I has a banana. I'd take a picture, but I'm going to eat it. Alternatively, I could inject it into someone. I imagine they'd be really healthy. Potassium is good for you.
My grandma has a potassium deficiency, I wonder how many bananas she needs to eat? The pills are actually miniturized bananas. And heroin. Lots of heroin.
I'm bored now. And I want some ramen and coffee. I don't care how many dolphins I have to dismember to get it right now either. Luckily I have both on hand. Not Kobe Bryant though.

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